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Capture all of your data digitally

Automate the capture and storage of critical business records like: prestart forms, service sheets, timesheets, reported issues, and much much more.

Supports offline use - perfect for remote work.


4P Forms enables you to digitise the paper forms in your business to streamline the processing of information in your business.

• Asset pre-starts
• Asset servicing (kms/hours/custom intervals)
• Timesheets
• Safety meetings (Take 5, etc.)
• Quality assurance documents
• Audits/checklists.

4P Forms does not require 4PS, but can integrate for more advanced operations like issues tracking, service and repair.

It also works without internet access, perfect for remote work.

Specifically developed to meet the day-to-day compliance requirements for working on Australian construction and mine sites

How do we know? 

Over 15 years ago, Mackay Safety was running safety consulting and labor hire services and the phone was ringing off the hook for us to provide people... but it was taking us hours or days to figure out if someone was compliant for site.

We went looking for solutions, but found nothing that met the unique and often strange requirements of Australian mine sites - so we built 4PS as a tool to help manage our own business.

Now, after 15 years of development, trial and error, that tool is available for you to use as well.


• Pre-start forms
• Service forms
• Issue reporting
• Tasking
• Reported issues
• Supervisor notifications

4P Forms provides data from the field to the people that need it - automatically

Both you and your employees are kept up to date in real-time about any aspect of your business requiring monitoring and management.
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